An extended Legendre wavelet method for solving differential equations with non analytic solutions
Although spectral methods such as Galerkin, Tau and pseudospectral methods do not work well for solving ordinary differential equations in which, at least, one of the coefficient functions or solution function is not analytic\cite{BabolianH02}, but it is shown that the Legendre wavelet Galerkin method is suitable for solving this kind of problems provided that the singular points have the form $2^{-k}$ for some positive integer $k$[4]. However, for the other type of singular point the Legendre wavelet basis are not an efficient method. To overcome this difficulty, in this study we use the extended Legendre wavelet basis and Tau method for solving a wide range of singular boundary value problems. The convergence properties and error analysis of the proposed method is investigated. A comparison between the standard Legendre wavelets and extended Legendre wavelets methods shows the capability of the proposed method.
Extended Legendre wavelets, Operational matrix, Tau method, Bundary value problems, Convergency, Error analysis.
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