On rings of real-valued Rcl-supercontinuous functions
The notion of Rcl-supercontinuity, a strong variant of continuity, is considered. The ring Rcl(X) of all real valued Rcl-supercontinuous functions on a topological space X is studied.
It is shown that Rcl(X) ∼ =C(Y), where Y is an ultra-Hausdorff rcl-quotient of X and it turns out that whenever X is rcl-compact, then Y is zero-dimensional. The maximal ideals of Rcl(X) are specified. The spaces X are determined for which every maximal ideal in Rcl(X) is fixed. Finally, Prcl-spaces and almost Prcl-spaces are defined and characterized both algebraically and topologically.
Rcl-supercontinuous function; Prcl-space; almost Prcl-space; rcl-compact space; scl-completely regular space.
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