A numerical simulation of MHD ow and radiation heat transfer of nano uids through a porous medium with variable surface heat ux and chemical reaction
In this paper, the problem of MHD ow and radiation heat transfer of nanouids against a
at plate in porous medium with the eects of variable surface heat ux and rst-order chemicalreaction is investigated numerically. Three dierent types of nanoparticles, namely Cu, Al2O3 andAg are considered by using water as a base uid with Prandtl number Pr = 6:2. The governingpartial dierential equations can be written as a system of nonlinear ordinary dierential equationsover a semi-innite interval using a similarity transformation. A new eective collocation methodis proposed based on exponential Bernstein functions to simulate the solution of the resultingdierential systems. The advantage of this method is that it does not require truncating ortransforming the semi-innite domain of the problem to a nite domain. In addition, this methodreduces the solution of the problem to the solution of a system of algebraic equations. Graphicaland tabular results are presented to investigate the inuence of the solid volume fraction, types ofnanoparticles, radiation and suction/blowing, magnetic eld, permeability, Schmidt number andchemical reaction, on velocity, temperature and concentration proles. The obtained results ofthe current study are in excellent agreement with previous works.
at plate in porous medium with the eects of variable surface heat ux and rst-order chemicalreaction is investigated numerically. Three dierent types of nanoparticles, namely Cu, Al2O3 andAg are considered by using water as a base uid with Prandtl number Pr = 6:2. The governingpartial dierential equations can be written as a system of nonlinear ordinary dierential equationsover a semi-innite interval using a similarity transformation. A new eective collocation methodis proposed based on exponential Bernstein functions to simulate the solution of the resultingdierential systems. The advantage of this method is that it does not require truncating ortransforming the semi-innite domain of the problem to a nite domain. In addition, this methodreduces the solution of the problem to the solution of a system of algebraic equations. Graphicaland tabular results are presented to investigate the inuence of the solid volume fraction, types ofnanoparticles, radiation and suction/blowing, magnetic eld, permeability, Schmidt number andchemical reaction, on velocity, temperature and concentration proles. The obtained results ofthe current study are in excellent agreement with previous works.
Boundary layer ow; MHD ow; Nano uids; Exponential Bernstein functions; Collocation method.
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